It’s that time of year to give Thanks! I would love to give a big Thank You to everyone who has come into the shop post Western States to check up on me, especially the ones I was personally lucky enough to talk to myself. Talking through all that happened that day—and after—has really helped me overcome the unfortunate end of an 11year journey to make it back to States.
I’m doing fine now and still love talking States. Good luck to everyone in the lottery—especially my pacer Walt who shares the love for this iconic race. We will have a lottery day run with Hoka Demo shoes!! 12/4 start at 8am. This year we’ll run during the lottery and check the results together when we get back. Hope to see a lot of make it in that day!!
For 2022, I’m planing a year of no ultras. Shorter races I can squeeze in before my son’s soccer game, for example, sound rather appealing. Look out Evergreen Trail 5ks: I’m coming for you!!
Learn from my experience: If you have “coca cola” urine after an ultra—and cannot keep food or liquids down, go to an emergency room sooner rather than later. Rhabdomyolysis is no joke!

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